
I must Suffer in Silence, in fear my abuser will abuse me more, if I tell you the abuse I endure.

Suffering in Silence: The Hidden Pain of Abuse. Abuse is a silent epidemic that affects millions of people around the world. Whether it be physical, emotional, or psychological, the effects of abuse can be devastating and long-lasting. Many victims of abuse suffer in silence, afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation or further harm. This silence only serves to perpetuate the cycle of abuse, allowing the abuser to continue their harmful behaviour unchecked. One of the most insidious forms of abuse is emotional abuse. Unlike physical abuse, emotional abuse leaves no visible scars, making it difficult for outsiders to recognize and understand. Victims of emotional abuse are often made to feel worthless, powerless, and isolated. They may be subjected to constant criticism, manipulation, and gaslighting, leaving them doubting their own reality and sanity. For many victims of abuse, speaking out is not an option. They may fear that no one will believe them, or that they will be blamed for

"No one cares," says Troller Tyrone D...

The Mouse! Master of YouTube Sock Puppet Accounts… “No one cares,” cries Troller Tyrone D. “No one cares!” Don't be silly! Everyone cares! The notorious YouTube troll who goes by the name Mouse, has revealed to be behind multiple sock puppet accounts, pretending to be other people, doxxing, spreading misinformation and strife. “No one cares,” cries Troller Tyrone D. Don't be silly! Everyone cares! No one can be sure anymore, that the person commenting in their chat room, is the person they are pertaining to be. With nothing more than a mobile phone and a picture of the person you want to be, you can create a profile and cause havoc pretending to be someone else. “No one cares,” cries Troller Tyrone D. Don't be silly! Everyone cares! The Mouse has been doing it for years, and the damage caused is incalculable.  Getting a perverse sense of satisfaction that only an impersonator appreciates, Mouse is the master of pretending to be someone else. “No one cares,” cries Troller

Beware of YouTube's Notorious Troll, The Mouse.

No one can be sure of anything, not with the Mouse using sock accounts, pretending to be others and causing chaos on YouTube.  The Mouse, a notorious YouTube troll, has gained a reputation for creating multiple fake accounts, known as sock puppets, to manipulate discussions, spread misinformation, and harass other users. The Mouse's sock puppet accounts are cleverly disguised as real users, complete with profile pictures and convincing usernames. This allows The Mouse to infiltrate online communities and stir up trouble without being easily detected. The Mouse uses these accounts to dox hairy 6’ 8” lorry drivers, post inflammatory comments, start arguments, and even impersonate other users in an attempt to sow discord and confusion. One of The Mouse's favourite tactics is to create fake accounts that appear to be supporters of a particular individual or cause, only to turn on them later and spread lies and rumours. This has caused significant harm to many innocent users who hav

More Bollocks from Mr Snide.


Mr Snide is Desperate for a Victory, no matter how Pathetic it is...

  Satanic pillock Mr Snide is desperate to score any victory over me, no matter how small. Having managed to keep my name out of his dirty mouth for a few weeks, he's back doing what he does best. Spreading Satanic bullshit and lies.

Dave's New Partner Revealed.


"Dozens of Long Suffering Victims."

Wow, form an orderly queue!!!  I haven't heard such tripe in all my life. If any of these "Dozens of long suffering victims," would like to make themselves known, I'd be greatly interested.