
Showing posts from October, 2024

The Paradox of Moral Relativism.

When Evil is Attacked by Those Who Deny Its Existence. In the realm of philosophy and spiritual belief, few ideologies have confounded onlookers as thoroughly as that of the modern Satanist. A peculiar stance held by many adherents of this philosophy is the rejection of the dichotomy between good and evil. They often claim that morality is subjective, fluid, and ultimately devoid of inherent meaning. To the Satanist, there is no objective good or evil—only individual will and power. Yet, a curious paradox arises when these same individuals—who profess a worldview that denies moral absolutes—go on the offensive, lambasting others as embodiments of “evil.” How is it that someone who claims good and evil are non-existent can so passionately denounce another human being as malicious or corrupt? The contradiction is glaring and, at times, deeply perplexing. One such example is the case of a Satanist accusing an innocent man of evil deeds. From an outside perspective, it seems to be a classi