Peter Griffen is Reece Leverick (Smuttley)

Its hilarious that this absolutely fuck-wit, otherwise known as Muttley, has decided to change his Twitter name from @Muttley666 to @ReeceLeverick!

The slow witted dumb fuck has finally woken up to the blaring reality that publicly aligning yourself with The Satanic Temple, isn't good for one's public image.

Its interesting that he's distancing himself from the satanists which he has spent the last year befriending, (James Hind and Christopher Brindle) spring to mind!

It was very telling when he threatened to call the police on me if I didn't remove a certain video about him, where-in he proudly claims to be a satanist.

Mind you, Smuttley isn't the only one hiding his satanic status from the world. Take for example the paedophile protector James Hind.

Hiding his satanic faith from his Christian clients.

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