What is a Satan Lover?
James Hind.
No one knows who he (or she) really is, maybe not even himself.
As I will demonstrate, using Hind's own words, he lives in a permanent state of disassociation.
'What is a Satan Lover', is as an inversion to Hind's own blog, 'What is a Satan Hunter', in which he rates me 13th, in his list of 24 Satan Hunters across the world .
Having changed his 'Satan Hunters' to 'Satan Lovers', I'm explaining what I mean when I call them 'Satan Lovers'.
So, throwing James Hind's words back at him, and demonstrating his split personality, dissociative identity disorder and his danger to society, both in the real world, and online, he poses; I believe it's prudent to highlight this individual in the spirit of detecting and preventing a crime.
A crime of child-abuse. Who knows who James Hind is pretending to be right now on the internet?
Quoting from the Dissociative Identy Discorder test on Very Well Health.com, Dissociative identity disorder or DID for quickness, is one of several types of dissociative disorders diagnosed in mental health.
To qualify for the diagnosis, the person must have disruption of identity characterized by two distinct personality states, which include alterations in behavior, memory, consciousness, cognition, and sense of self.
People with this condition may typically experience recurrent gaps in remembering daily events, important personal information, or traumatic events that extend beyond ordinary.
And as we'll explore further in this podcast about James Hind, he compares his childhood abuse to the abuse done to Child A and other children of SRA.

Which contradicts what he wrote in late 2021, claiming his childhood "sex abuse was at the lower end of scale of sexual abuse."

Two versions of accounts. Two personalities; two of many more. Up to 100, but usually 10.
DID can vary enormously between one person and the next. Even skilled mental health professionals have difficulty diagnosing DID.
People with DID experience something called marked discontinuity of sense of agency. This means that a person’s sense of self is divided into at least two personality states.
We see Hind refer to this when he wrote:

DID's may have a discontinuous memory of their everyday life, which may seem split into different experiences.
People with marked discontinuity can experience the sense of two separate identities, neither of which feel whole. This makes it hard to maintain a streamlined understanding of one’s awareness throughout the day.
A personality defines a person’s unique way of thinking about and relating to the world. It is important for defining one’s values and understanding who they are. People with DID struggle with a sense of self because they have fragmentation of their personality.
They may go back and forth between different personality states, which can vary between extremes. For example, a person may move back and forth between a mellow, kind personality and a serious, menacing personality.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, on average, a person with dissociative identity disorder has 10 alternate personalities. However, it’s possible to have up to 100.
Dissociative amnesia is when a person is unable to remember the details of important events. Often, the memory loss occurs around events that are stressful, traumatic, or meaningful. People with disorders like DID are more likely to experience dissociative amnesia around such events, such as a serious hospitalization or car accident.
People with DID have different identities, but they usually aren’t experienced in equal measure.
For example, a person with DID usually has a dominant personality, also known as the host personality. This is often believed to be the person’s true personality. The additional, alternate personalities are referred to as alters. The host is often passive, dependent, or depressed. In contrast, an alter may suddenly appear bubbly, loud, or aggressive.
Like borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder, DID is characterized by changes in mental state. However, borderline personality disorder involves a pattern of instability in relationships, self-image, and moods, and bipolar disorder is when a person has extreme shifts in mood states over periods of time.
DID is different because a person experiences periods of memory loss related to distinct personality states.
People with DID have difficulty remembering events as they occurred.
This can be depersonalization, or when a person feels detached from the feelings, thoughts, and memories of their own life or their sense of themselves. Or derealization, in which a person feels detached from the present reality.
Going back to watch James Hind himself admits, I live in a permanent trap of disassociation.
DID is sometimes mistaken for schizophrenia since both can cause a person to talk out loud to themselves. In schizophrenia, a person experiences delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech. This can cause a person to talk out loud to themselves about something that isn’t real. People with schizophrenia don’t have multiple personality states; rather, they have altered perceptions of reality.
In DID, loudly talking to oneself is more an externalization of thought within the context of multiple personalities. DID is different from schizophrenia because it doesn’t involve a person thinking and acting upon things that aren’t real.
Pain-determined dissociative episodes are when a person develops a personality to help cope with the symptoms of discomfort. Researchers believe that people with chronic pain are more likely to develop dissociative states.
The pain's of childhood abuse.
Some theories suggest that a person with DID has both an “apparently normal part of the personality", which allows them to function normally. They also have an "emotional part of the personality" characterized by survival instincts. The Emotional Personality is what allows a person to ignore pain. When this alternate coping state isn’t accessible, it’s hard to cope with pain.
People with DID may have no idea about their split personality states. They only suspect something is wrong when someone else tells them about their atypical behavior, like memory loss, or a strange event. Other times, they are aware of the differences in the personalities and can feel distressed about it, although they may appear nonreactive.
If you suspect that you or a loved one may be suffering from DIDism, it’s important to seek help from a doctor to discuss symptoms and get an official DID diagnosis. Keep in mind that although dissociative symptoms may be common, true DID is rare, and associated with experiences of overwhelming trauma and abuse.
More and more childhood victims of SRA are now adults, coming to term with what was done to them as children.
So its with this in mind, one of the regular themes of this blog, has been my reaction to the Satan Lovers. I would like to deal with three items in this blog post:
What is a Satan Lover?
The three required conditions that will result in a Satan Lover being listed and challenged by satanlover.com, and I.
And with that, I'd like to interrupt right here and point out a use of phrase which shows his DIDism in plain sight.
"Satanhunter.com,"as he wrote in his blog, What is a Satan Hunter? "And I."
It like saying, "Its good night from Guerrilla Democracy News, and its good night from me too!"
It makes not sense because I am Guerrilla Democracy News, just as he is Satanic Views, as I am MrXInvestigations, TaylorsFreedom and RespondingtotheBullshit.
By saying, "SatanHunter.com and I; he's displaying two personalities.
One of which is being the UK's leading proponent of Satanism, and a crusader against child-abuse, of which he has been proved to have protected paedophiles!
Remember what he said about defending children? About choosing that mission above millions of others, to dedicate one's life to!

Is it just me, or does that come across as pretty extreme?
And I need to drive home this point before I can carry on and fully introduce this demonic entity, otherwise known online as James Hind.
The list of Satan Hunters that will be challenged in 2022 by satanhunter.com, and I.
What is a Satan Lover?
A Satan Lover is an individual who promotes vehemently (and I choose that word intentionally) the non existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), such as those promoted by Angela Power-Disney, Jeanette Arxher and David Icke, that a target individual or group of people torture, rape, murder and eat children in the worship of Satan.
Such Satan Lovers deny Satanic Ritual Abuse for reasons of power, fame, financial gain, revenge or ideology.
The three required conditions that will result in a Satan Lover being listed and challenged by satanlover.com and I.
The Satan Lover is denying the existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse.
The Satan Lover has in their actions in my opinion harmed or abused a child.
The Satan Hunter is based in the UK, or the child victim of the Satan Lover is based in the UK.
The list of Satan Lovers that will be challenged in 2022 by satanlover.com and I.
The list may be added to.
The following are the names of Satan Lovers whose character, narrative and networks will be challenged by satanlover.com and I in 2022.
The names on this list are mainly those I have had some personal knowledge of in the Satanic Ritual Abuse cases I have dealt with in the last seven years.
1. Thomas Neidermeier - Germany
2. Chris Brindle aka Grobnob, Preston, UK.
3. Plisko - The Bell End – Dorset, UK
4. Reece Leverick aka Muttley – Cambridge, UK
5. James Hind – UK.
6. Karen Irving – London, UK.
7. Richard Dougal aka Fruitcake Muncher – UK.
8. Michelle Bingham aka Sparkle– Glasgow, UK.
9. Danny Jones aka Linden Warden – WestMidlands, UK.
10. Aiden Lashbrook aka Lucifer/Unlisted – UK.
11. Den Tarragon – UK.
12. Sheva Burton– UK.
13. Shellie Mote aka Shelley May O'Brian – UK.
14. Sharon Gale – Portsmouth, UK.
15. Blakewood - Lincolnshire, UK
16. Lee Jesson - UK
17. Nadia - London, UK
18. Tink aka WhiteWalker aka Tanya - UK
19. Ann Drogyne - NorthWest, UK
20. Brent Lee - UK
21. Andrew Ross - UK
22. Vanguard Supreme - UK
23. Thaniel Grey - Glasgow, UK
24. Charlie's Girl - UK

My fight with the Satan Hunters is driven by a feeling of injustice - 9 Oct 2021


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