The Absurdity of The Mouse's Comparison of Matt Taylor to Jimmy Savile.

In the murky corners of YouTube, trolls thrive on controversy, often making outlandish claims to garner attention. One such figure, known as The Mouse, has recently made waves by drawing an absurd comparison between ex-Royal Military Policeman Matt Taylor and the notorious Jimmy Savile. This comparison, intended to provoke and inflame, stands on shaky ground and deserves a closer examination.

The Allegations Against Matt Taylor.

Matt Taylor, a former Royal Military Policeman, found himself embroiled in serious allegations when he was arrested for the alleged possession of child pornography. However, it is crucial to note that these allegations never led to a conviction. The case was dismissed, and no concrete evidence was presented to prove Taylor's guilt in a court of law. Despite the gravity of the accusations, the legal outcome exonerates Taylor, distinguishing him from the convicted predators who rightfully face justice.

The Infamy of Jimmy Savile.

Jimmy Savile, a once-beloved TV personality, posthumously became one of the most reviled figures in British history. After his death, investigations revealed that Savile had committed an appalling number of sexual offences, many against minors, over several decades. Unlike Taylor, Savile's guilt was substantiated by numerous victims' testimonies and extensive investigations that left no doubt about his heinous crimes. The scale and nature of Savile's actions placed him beyond the pale of societal forgiveness, cementing his legacy as a predator who exploited his fame to abuse the vulnerable.

The Mouse's Flawed Comparison.

The Mouse, in a bid to stoke controversy, stated, "Nothing was ever proven against Jimmy Savile either. Only difference is we don't have Savile admitting to his wrongdoing but we have you admitting to it." This statement is flawed on multiple levels.

1. Legal vs. Posthumous Conviction: Savile's lack of conviction during his lifetime was a tragic failure of the justice system and societal oversight. However, the overwhelming posthumous evidence leaves no doubt about his guilt. In contrast, Taylor was cleared in court, with the case against him dismissed, indicating a lack of evidence to support the charges.

2. Admission of Guilt: The assertion that Taylor admitted to wrongdoing is misleading. A public admission under duress or in a compromised situation does not equate to a legal conviction. Moreover, without substantive evidence, such an admission cannot be taken at face value. Savile, on the other hand, left behind a trail of incontrovertible evidence and victim testimonies that confirm his crimes.

3. Impact and Harm: The scale of harm caused by Savile is unmatched. His abuse spanned decades and affected hundreds of victims. Even if Taylor were guilty, which the courts did not find, the comparison to Savile's extensive and systematic abuse is hyperbolic and unfounded.


The Mouse's attempt to equate Matt Taylor with Jimmy Savile is not only absurd but also undermines the seriousness of Savile's crimes and the suffering of his victims. Drawing such parallels without a basis in fact trivialises the profound harm caused by real predators. It is essential to approach such serious matters with a commitment to truth and integrity, rather than resorting to sensationalist and unfounded claims. In the end, justice and factual accuracy must prevail over the provocations of internet trolls.


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