Fantasist asks China for money after abandoning Saudi Arabian fantasy by James Hind, writing as Mordred...

 Sep 21st, 2024

Well known liar and fantasist Matthew Taylor of Brighton never ceases to amaze with his ambitious lies and fantasies that he spins in his social media as he awaits trial in December 2024 for stalking yet another of his many victims. After years of statements that a Saudi Arabian prince would fund his proposed film and theme park business in Brighton Taylor now claims he is expecting funding from China.

What narratve Taylor will spin to explain his failure for obtaining funding from Saudi Arabia is not known, but those in Project Night Watch knew that it was unlikely that an Islamic nation would fund somebody who actively claimed they was a Satanist and was the son of Satan, and who claimed to be a prostitute, male porn star, and wanted to run a porn business, as well as his homosexual leanings. It was predictable that the royal family in Saudi Arabia would not position themselves with an individual whose religious and sexual outlook clashed so harshly with Islam.

China is of a mainly non-religious outlook, but also offers challenges to Taylor when it comes to funding. The leadership of China for instance is highly sensitive to political and social criticism and challenge, and Taylor is well known to be subversive and completely incapable of respecting authority, the rule of law and social traditions. In China, as with other South Asian nations, loss of face can have serious implications, and Taylor in practically all cases tends to abuse, humiliate and degrade even his own family and friends.

Taylor has been unemployed for over five years since his arrest for child sexual abuse images and stalking a politician. Taylor has no business sense and limited business experience, having been previously a director of company that defrauded and lost investors their money. Taylor has a reputation for aligning himself with fraudsters and scams, which raises concerns about his capability and ethics of protecting and handling investor money.

As to the claim that Taylor wants to run a film and theme park business. Rather like his claims to run for political office, Taylor lives his dreams through the fantasy of social media without making any effort to make his dreams and visions a reality. Taylor has failed to even invest in a domain name and hosting for his proposed business, and there is no company to speak of for which investment would be put into. Taylor has failed to provide any business plan and also has not consulted and cultivated relationships with Brighton planners, politicians and business interests who would have an impact on his proposed business venture. Taylor has no experience or training in large construction and investment projects, and has previously indicated he will not be involved, instead saying other dubious personalities would run it for him such as mentally ill fraudster John Wanoa.

In contrast to Matthew Taylor the people at Project Night Watch do have business experience, and one of their potential investors is currently in negotiations between interests in the UK, Africa and China that could have implications for PNW. The negotiations with those in China, who are tied to the Chinese government, has been running since the start of 2024, and on at least two occasions nearly fell through. The amount of hurdles that some had to jump through for making things happen in the deal has been slow, resource hungry and challenging, but any day now a decision by those in China will be announced after their final stage of intensive checks. From our experience with the business interests in China, Taylor would fail even the most simple of due diligence by China, or most large scale investors.

I would advise Matthew Taylor to watch BBC’s Dragon’s Den to get the basics for attracting investment. Common failures by those who approach Dragons Den is because they have no prior track record or experience in the business proposal; they have an unrealistic or no business plan, and fail to know their business figures; those with too many proposed projects, or are unprepared to give their full focus to a project will also fail to obtain investment. The problem for Taylor is he always sees the situation from his own point of view and is blind to what others need to invest in him; for the investor, they need a profit from their investment, and there is nothing so far Taylor offers to make his fantasy become a reality by attracting excited investors to his cause.

What Has It Got to Do with Him?

When I reflect on the obsessive nature of James Hind's commentary about my life, one question stands out: What has it got to do with him? Why is someone, who claims to be involved in child protection and other noble causes, so heavily invested in everything I do, say, or even think?

Hind’s continuous fixation on me - whether it’s about alleged business ventures, personal beliefs, or legal matters - raises serious concerns. His relentless effort to discredit me isn’t just the occasional critique; it’s an ongoing, exhaustive campaign to vilify me in every way possible. But what does it gain him? Why is he so deeply embroiled in my affairs? The answer to that seems to lie less in anything I’ve done and more in Hind’s need for control, narrative, and a target to project onto.

There’s no doubt that we all face criticism and differing opinions, but Hind’s obsession goes well beyond that. It's no longer about critique or differing views - it's about relentless stalking and antagonism. But again, I ask: What has it got to do with him?

Why Is He So Invested in Everything I Do or Say?

This leads to the second question: Why is he so invested in everything I do or say?

At some point, Hind shifted from being a person with differing opinions to someone with an unhealthy fixation on me. Whether it's my involvement in creative projects, personal beliefs, or even legal matters, Hind is always there, ready to comment, misrepresent, and attack. It’s as though every move I make is analysed, scrutinised, and turned into a new angle for him to exploit.

One has to wonder - what drives this level of obsession? Is it envy? A desire to feel relevant by inserting himself into my life and twisting the narrative to suit his needs? Or is it something more insidious - a deep-seated need to project his own shortcomings and guilt onto someone else?

At the end of the day, his motivations remain unclear, but one thing is certain: his constant focus on me raises more questions about him than it does about me.

Final Thoughts.

These aren’t rhetorical questions - they’re genuine reflections on why James Hind has taken it upon himself to make my life his business. I’ve faced legal challenges, creative endeavours, and personal ups and downs, as everyone does. But the energy Hind spends on me is disproportionate and obsessive.

So, I pose these questions not just to him, but to anyone observing this saga: What has it got to do with him? And why is he so invested in everything I do or say?

Maybe it's time Hind took a step back and asked himself these same questions.


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