Matt Taylor’s Position on James Hind: A Dangerous Criminal Hiding Behind Anonymity.

Matt Taylor has made his position clear regarding the individual operating under the pseudonyms “James Hind,” “Mordred,” and “Project Night Watch.” Taylor sees this person not as a legitimate advocate or even a mere critic, but as nothing more than a common criminal whose veil of anonymity is the only thing preventing him from being brought to justice. Taylor firmly believes that if the real-life identity behind the façade of “James Hind” were revealed, the individual would be arrested within 24 hours due to a litany of potential charges including stalking, harassment, and the malicious manipulation of vulnerable people. Sympathy and Concern for Hind’s Mental Health. While Taylor does not hide his contempt for the tactics and rhetoric employed by this individual, he does express a degree of sympathy for the person behind the mask. Taylor has pointed out numerous instances where Hind’s behaviour and shifting personas suggest deeper psychological issues. Chief among these is the like...