Matt Taylor’s Position on James Hind: A Dangerous Criminal Hiding Behind Anonymity.

Matt Taylor has made his position clear regarding the individual operating under the pseudonyms “James Hind,” “Mordred,” and “Project Night Watch.” Taylor sees this person not as a legitimate advocate or even a mere critic, but as nothing more than a common criminal whose veil of anonymity is the only thing preventing him from being brought to justice. Taylor firmly believes that if the real-life identity behind the façade of “James Hind” were revealed, the individual would be arrested within 24 hours due to a litany of potential charges including stalking, harassment, and the malicious manipulation of vulnerable people.

Sympathy and Concern for Hind’s Mental Health.

While Taylor does not hide his contempt for the tactics and rhetoric employed by this individual, he does express a degree of sympathy for the person behind the mask. Taylor has pointed out numerous instances where Hind’s behaviour and shifting personas suggest deeper psychological issues. Chief among these is the likelihood that the person behind “James Hind” suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), or at the very least, a fragmented sense of self that leads him to adopt multiple aliases and contradicting personas.

Taylor notes that this mental health concern does not excuse Hind’s behaviour, but rather, it adds a tragic layer to the situation. He views Hind as someone who needs professional help rather than the continued cycle of hostility and manipulation that he perpetuates. Nevertheless, mental health issues aside, Taylor believes Hind’s actions still pose a clear and present danger to the community, and for that reason, he must be held accountable.

A Danger to the Public: Grooming and Manipulation.

Taylor’s most serious concern, however, lies in the fact that Hind operates in complete anonymity, using this cloak to groom and manipulate others - particularly vulnerable adults, teenagers and children - into carrying out his agenda. There have been multiple allegations of Hind enticing individuals to make false complaints, partake in harmful campaigns against targeted individuals, and spread his dangerous ideologies. Taylor cites specific cases where Hind allegedly paid teenagers to make false allegations and offered money to people to escalate disputes, with the aim of destroying his critics through indirect means.

This sort of behaviour, in Taylor’s eyes, makes Hind a particularly dangerous individual. When someone hiding behind a screen can successfully manipulate real - world events and people, the risk they pose is compounded by their invisibility. It’s this very anonymity that Taylor argues allows Hind to operate freely, avoiding consequences for his actions.

Spreading Harmful Satanic Propaganda.

Another key aspect of Taylor’s position revolves around Hind’s promotion of dangerous and harmful satanic propaganda. While Hind styles himself as a “satanic advocate,” Taylor sees this as nothing more than a smokescreen for spreading harmful and destructive ideas. The so-called advocacy is more about sowing discord and promoting anti-social behaviour than about any genuine philosophical or religious stance. This rhetoric, combined with the targeting of vulnerable people, makes Hind’s influence particularly insidious.

A Call for Accountability.

Ultimately, Taylor’s position is that the person behind the “James Hind” and “Project Night Watch” aliases needs to be unmasked and held accountable - not just to stop the harm he is currently causing, but to prevent any future victims from falling into his web of manipulation and deceit. Taylor’s appeal is not just for his own sake, but for the safety and well-being of others who may find themselves targeted by this shadowy figure.

It’s not just a matter of legal justice, but a matter of public safety. Taylor is resolute in his stance that as long as Hind remains hidden behind his wall of aliases, he will continue to be a danger to everyone he interacts with, spreading his influence in the shadows and harming lives through proxies.

Taylor will not stop referring to him as James Hind. After all, that’s the name Hind chose, and if the mention of “James Hind” brings a visceral, angry reaction, then it only reaffirms Taylor’s belief that he is striking at the heart of the issue. Hind can change his pseudonyms as many times as he likes, but until the real individual is unmasked, he will always be James Hind in Taylor’s eyes - a manipulator, a criminal, and a coward hiding behind a cloak of anonymity.

In Conclusion.

Taylor’s stance on James Hind is unwavering: he is a dangerous individual whose true identity must be uncovered for the safety and security of the public. While Taylor recognizes that there may be mental health issues at play, it does not absolve Hind of responsibility for the pain and chaos he has caused. The truth must come to light, and Taylor will continue to fight for transparency, accountability, and justice until the man behind “James Hind” is unmasked and brought to face the consequences of his actions.

Helping Children to Feel Safe: A Hollow Statement?

When evaluating the statement, "Helping children to feel safe," it’s important to consider who is making the claim, their intentions, and the context in which they operate. In this instance, the phrase takes on an entirely different meaning when spoken by an individual who has no direct experience as a parent, no background in child care, and a questionable track record in handling potential grooming situations.

The Discrepancy Between Words and Actions.

For someone to sincerely "help children feel safe," one would expect them to have a background or history of working directly with children, supporting their well-being, and fostering environments where children are genuinely protected. However, when this statement comes from someone who has publicly acknowledged avoiding action against a known groomer, the claim rings hollow. Admitting that he didn’t want “the thought of ruining the groomer’s life to be on his mind” raises immediate concerns about his priorities and judgment.

How can someone credibly talk about keeping children safe when they consciously allowed a predatory situation to continue because they were more concerned about the perpetrator’s future than the potential victims? This kind of reasoning demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of what safeguarding children entails and suggests a skewed moral compass that prioritises the wrong individuals.

A Role-Playing “Advocate.”

Adding another layer of complexity, this person’s method of “helping children” includes pretending to be a 12-year-old boy online. While undercover work has its place in catching predators, it’s typically carried out by trained professionals within a structured and regulated environment—not by a lone actor with no qualifications, accountability, or oversight. The danger here is not only that the individual might interact with actual children, potentially confusing and misleading them, but also that they may unintentionally expose themselves and others to further risk.

Furthermore, it raises the question: is the individual truly focused on child safety, or is the act of pretending to be a young child more self-serving? Role-playing as a child online can easily blur the lines between advocate and perpetrator, especially without clear boundaries and professional guidance. The focus seems to be more on playing a role than making a genuine impact.

The Cognitive Dissonance.

There is a deep contradiction between claiming to help children feel safe and the reality of allowing known risks to persist. The notion of "helping children" seems less about the well-being of children and more about self-aggrandisement. It’s an easy slogan to hide behind, giving a veneer of virtue to otherwise suspicious behaviour When analysed, the actions of this individual show a pattern of neglect, misguided priorities, and dangerous assumptions about what it means to be a protector.

The True Cost of Inaction.

The most damning part of the entire scenario is the confession that this individual allowed a groomer from Kent to continue grooming because he didn’t want to carry the guilt of ruining the man’s life. What about the children whose lives are actually ruined by grooming and abuse? This mindset completely undermines the very premise of protecting children. It suggests that, to him, the well-being of a child is secondary to the comfort of an adult predator—a chilling thought.

For someone who claims to “help children feel safe,” it is telling that the first instinct was to protect the groomer’s future rather than take action to protect potential victims. Real child protection involves making tough decisions and putting the needs of the child above all else, no matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable it may be. This individual’s reluctance to do so shows that they are either not equipped or not genuinely invested in the mission they claim to champion.

In Conclusion.

“Helping children to feel safe” is a powerful statement, but in the context of this individual, it becomes empty rhetoric. Without the experience, qualifications, and, most importantly, the right moral priorities, such a claim is not just hollow—it’s dangerous. Instead of providing safety, it masks a much darker truth: that the person making the statement may be more of a risk than a protector.

The true measure of an advocate isn’t in what they say but in what they do when faced with difficult decisions. And by that measure, the actions of this individual show that they are unfit to claim any role in child protection.

James Hind’s Misinformation and False Narratives: A Case Study.

James Hind, known for his obsessive and relentless targeting of individuals, has once again attempted to skew reality through his misleading and disingenuous statements. In his recent blog post titled, "Matthew Taylor (Brighton) breaks truce inside 24 hours," Hind falsely claims that a truce existed between Project Night Watch (PNW) and Matthew Taylor, only to declare that Taylor has broken it. Let’s set the record straight: no such truce ever existed. What did occur was Taylor publicly conceding that Hind had achieved his goal - through a campaign of lies, harassment, and relentless provocation, he declared that "James Hind wins." Hind’s insistence on interpreting this statement as some formal "truce" is not only misleading but further evidence of his continued efforts to manipulate narratives.

Breaking Down Hind’s Narrative.

Hind claims that Taylor’s supposed truce lasted "less than 24 hours" before Taylor allegedly violated it by posting a video titled “Sock Puppet Blues,” which Hind interprets as an attack on PNW and the “retired” James Hind brand. However, there was no agreement to break in the first place, making this entire assertion baseless. Taylor’s concession was a statement of frustration and exhaustion in response to Hind’s sustained campaign of harassment - not a pact or a promise to stop responding altogether.

This distinction is crucial because it highlights how Hind continually warps facts to suit his narrative. He has positioned himself as a victim, feigning indignation at Taylor’s actions to justify his continued aggression.

The False Victimhood and Deflection Tactics.

Hind’s narrative is built around a recurring pattern: portraying himself and PNW as victims of Taylor’s obsessive behaviour, while simultaneously using this supposed victimhood as a shield for his own misconduct. In his blog post, Hind frames Taylor as a “stalker” with “obsessive-compulsive disorder,” attempting to pathologise Taylor in order to invalidate his legitimate grievances and criticisms. This tactic not only dehumanises Taylor but also attempts to shift focus away from Hind’s own unethical behaviour.

Hind goes on to mention Taylor’s supposed “obsession” with xxxxx xxxxxxxxx, citing a blog post where Taylor lamented being silenced by a Stalking Protection Order (SPO) that prevents him from telling his side of the story. Hind conveniently omits the context here, which is that the SPO has been a tool used to suppress Taylor’s right to respond to a smear campaign against him - a campaign that Hind himself has been actively perpetuating.

Misrepresentation of Events and Continued Harassment.

Hind’s portrayal of Taylor as a dangerous stalker who needs to be contained by legal orders is another cornerstone of his narrative. He claims that Taylor is a “serial liar” and a “delusional fantasist,” whose social media presence is nothing more than a platform for spreading false allegations and terrorising his “many victims.” This language is intentionally inflammatory, designed to paint Taylor as a dangerous threat while ignoring the reality of Hind’s own provocations and inflammatory statements.

What Hind fails to acknowledge is that Taylor’s public comments and social media posts have largely been defensive in nature - responses to ongoing attacks, not unprovoked assaults. The fact that Hind continues to publish defamatory and accusatory content, even after Taylor’s declaration that “Hind wins,” is proof enough that the real instigator is not Taylor but Hind himself.

A Cycle of Harassment and Gaslighting.

Hind’s strategy is clear: provoke a response from Taylor, then use that response as evidence of Taylor’s instability or aggression. This cycle of harassment is fuelled by Hind’s relentless need to control the narrative, ensuring that he is always seen as the innocent party while Taylor is cast as the villain. By repeatedly accusing Taylor of breaking non-existent truces and using labels like “stalker” and “abuser,” Hind attempts to justify his own behaviour while gaslighting Taylor into silence.

Moreover, Hind’s assertion that there is “no reason for Taylor to focus on xxxxxxxxx anymore” is both dismissive and misleading. It ignores the fact that the very reason Taylor is compelled to address xxxxxxxxx and others is due to the false narratives and accusations that Hind and his associates have continued to spread. When Hind states that xxxxxxxxx has “moved on” to focus on his “Star Trek interests,” he is attempting to erase the harm that has been done and the ongoing impact of those false accusations.

Hind’s Continued Aggression and Lack of Accountability.

The underlying irony in Hind’s post is that while he accuses Taylor of breaking a so-called truce, it is Hind himself who has shown no intention of ceasing his attacks. His fixation on Taylor remains as strong as ever, and his willingness to fabricate narratives to maintain control over the situation is indicative of his own obsessive behaviour. By framing Taylor’s exhaustion and concession as some kind of victory for PNW, Hind reveals his true intention: to beat his targets into submission, forcing them to either disappear or conform to his version of events.

In the end, Hind’s latest post is not an update on some broken agreement but rather a continuation of his strategy to dominate and discredit Taylor through manipulation, distortion, and relentless harassment. His rhetoric is tired, his tactics transparent, and his obsession evident.


James Hind’s latest post is not a reflection of Matthew Taylor’s failure to honour a truce, but rather a testament to Hind’s own inability to let go. His continued fixation on Taylor, even after the so-called “retirement” of his James Hind brand, is proof that he remains as engaged in this toxic battle as ever. If anyone needs to take a step back and reevaluate their behaviour, it is Hind himself.

Until he does, we can expect more of the same: lies, manipulation, and a relentless campaign to rewrite reality to suit his needs. The question, then, is not if Taylor will respond but how long Hind will continue his obsessive quest for domination. As always, the real story lies not in what Hind claims, but in what he carefully avoids acknowledging-his own role as the true harasser in this saga.

Matthew Taylor’s Position on James Hind and the ‘Retired’ Brand.

Matthew Taylor has taken a firm stance regarding James Hind’s attempt to distance himself from the name he once used so prominently online. Despite Hind’s insistence that the “James Hind” name was a brand that was officially retired in December 2023 and replaced by “Project Night Watch,” Taylor remains adamant that he will continue to refer to the individual behind these various pseudonyms as James Hind. This decision is based on more than just semantics - it is a stand against Hind’s continued efforts to evade responsibility for his actions by hiding behind a shifting array of aliases and identities.

The James Hind Persona: A Convenient Shield.

The argument that the “James Hind” name was merely a temporary brand is, in Taylor’s view, a flimsy attempt to disassociate from the reputation and history tied to that name. For years, James Hind operated under this identity, using it to conduct a sustained campaign of harassment, smear, and misinformation against Taylor and others. To suggest that the name can be simply discarded as if it were a pair of old shoes, with all its baggage and connotations erased, is not only disingenuous but an insult to those who were targeted by the person behind it.

James Hind, whether operating under “Project Night Watch” or “Mordred,” is still the same individual, and changing the label does not alter the identity of the man behind it. Taylor sees this as a transparent tactic - an attempt to muddy the waters and sow confusion so that the history attached to the “James Hind” name becomes blurred and harder to track. Taylor, however, is not willing to play along with this game of semantics.

Why Taylor Refuses to Acknowledge the ‘Retirement’ of the Name.

Taylor’s decision to continue using the name James Hind is rooted in both principle and practicality. Hind himself chose to associate his identity with that name for the majority of his online activity, and he cannot simply erase the history that comes with it. To acknowledge the “retirement” would be to legitimise Hind’s attempt to escape accountability. Thus, as far as Taylor is concerned, James Hind is still James Hind - no matter what pseudonym he chooses to hide behind now.

Furthermore, the insistence on referring to Hind by this name is a deliberate response to the anger and irritation it provokes in Hind. Taylor has observed that every mention of “James Hind” is met with disproportionate rage and defensiveness from the person now claiming to represent “Project Night Watch.” This reaction, Taylor believes, is proof that Hind is deeply uncomfortable with the idea that his old identity is still tied to him. By continuing to use the name, Taylor is pushing back against Hind’s narrative and asserting that he will not be complicit in Hind’s attempt to whitewash his past.

The Name James Hind: A Symbol of Accountability.

The history of James Hind’s activities, particularly his harassment of Taylor and others, is inseparable from the name itself. Rebranding as “Project Night Watch” does not erase the actions carried out under the James Hind moniker, nor does it absolve him of the consequences. For Taylor, using the name James Hind is a way of keeping the focus on the person behind the attacks, regardless of the name he chooses to go by today.

Taylor also sees Hind’s insistence on the retirement of the James Hind name as an extension of his broader pattern of evasion and obfuscation. Just as he tries to shift blame and reframe narratives, Hind is now attempting to rebrand himself out of accountability. If Taylor were to adopt the new name, it would be a tacit endorsement of this tactic-a concession that Hind can shed his identity whenever it becomes inconvenient.

A Warning Against Further Disguise.

Taylor’s approach serves as a warning to others as well. Hind’s attempt to rebrand under different names-whether “Project Night Watch” or “Mordred”-is a tactic that could be used by others seeking to escape scrutiny. If someone can discard their online persona whenever it becomes associated with problematic behaviour, it sets a dangerous precedent for how accountability is enforced in online communities. Taylor’s refusal to accept this rebranding is his way of saying that individuals should be held accountable for their actions, regardless of how many layers of anonymity they try to cloak themselves in.

In Conclusion: James Hind by Any Other Name is Still James Hind.

For Matthew Taylor, the decision to continue referring to the person behind Project Night Watch as James Hind is a matter of both clarity and defiance. He will not participate in Hind’s attempt to rewrite history and will continue to call him out using the name that was once proudly claimed and is now desperately disowned. The more Hind reacts angrily to the mention of “James Hind,” the clearer it becomes that Taylor’s choice is hitting a nerve. As far as Taylor is concerned, James Hind is - and always will be - James Hind. No amount of rebranding, alias-switching, or strategic “retirements” can change that fact.


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